I can't really believe that in the twenty-first century this still has to be discussed, but here it is. Trans folk are not predators. If privacy were really such a concern why are bathrooms constructed in the way they are? And, what possible reason is there to single out a person for just trying to relieve themselves for derision, harassment and sometimes violence? I will predominantly use the example of Trans women in this article, because I am one, but I mean no slight on any other Trans folk. They face all the same issues and are thus included. Lets take each thing in turn. Trans women are not going into the bathroom to attack other women or girls. We are just trying to relieve ourselves. Predatory men do not need to dress as a woman to be a predator, they just find women where they can and attack them. There are no examples in law, anywhere, showing someone dressing as a woman for predatory purposes despite laws for or against allo...