I had a news item cross my google front page the other day that one of my favorite musical artists has a new album out. And, this renewed my love of her work. It is only a compilation of live recordings, so no new content, but I loved the few live recordings I had heard previously. But, this blog post is not about the new album, per-se. What this is about is the news reminded me how much I love her work and that I want others to know of it and love it too. I was introduced to her music when I bought the soundtrack for the movie Strange Days. It was heavy, and angry and frenetic and everything I love in a revolution song. Selling Jesus was a commentary on the bankruptcy of the soul when you give in to the unholy alliance of religion and the oligarchs. It spoke to my punk, counterculture, cynical, libertarian soul. I needed more, so I began searching for her music. And, everything else I found of her work fits me so well too. Hed...