My Trans Narrative In the transgender world, there is the concept of the Trans Narrative. Back in the time of my youth, the standards of care required people to prove their trans-ness. You had to have 'always been' associated in your mind with your target gender, from a young age preferring the trappings of that gender and desiring to be a fully hetero- member of that gender. If you came to your mandated therapy appointments not fully decked out in clothing strongly aligned with your desired gender expression, you weren't serious enough; and therefore not trans. Luckily, things have progressed a lot since then, and we are hearing of more and varied histories of people growing up and coming to terms with their gender. There is no one-size-fits-all narrative that we all must be shoe-horned into. To help foster that realization for others, and thereby maybe support fellow transgender folks, I want to tell my personal narrative and let them know their story...